Representing Sifu Barry Lee in Australia, Sydney HQ of the Barry Lee Ving Tsun Martial Arts Academy.
Kung Fu Wushu Australia (KWA) is officially recognised by the Australian Sports Commission as the peak organisation governing the interests of Kung Fu/Wu Shu in Australia.
KWA is an executive member of the Martial Arts Industry Association and is a signatory to the National Code of Practise for Martial Arts centres and Instructors.
See their web site for details:
There are no approved international schools representing Sifu Barry Lee outside Australia or affiliated with the Barry Lee Martial Arts Academy. Any clarifications about false claims or referrals to our academy, please contact us directly.
Always wear your uniform. Minimum uniform is school T-shirt, preferably with black gi-style pants and rubber soled shoes. T-shirts are available at the school. Jackets and pants are available at any martial arts store, but we can usually get it for you cheaper. If you haven’t got a uniform, then wear loose clothing and runners.
Always wash your hands and arms before training. Use the spray available in training to keep your forearms sterile.
Training at the Yang Ving Tsun Academy is conducted along the lines of a traditional Chinese Kwoon (studio or training hall). As such, training may seem somewhat casual compared to the more familiar rigid Japanese-style formality. The instructors do not enforce discipline but instead the students enforce it on themselves, and if necessary, others. This increases the speed of learning and makes learning more enjoyable. Students can ask questions of instructors and seniors (we encourage it).
Everything passes along a kind of chain of command loosely based on seniority. Only Barry Lee has a title (Sifu). Other senior people in our system are entitled to be called this, but none use the title, since there are too many people undeserving of the title calling themselves “sifu” in other martial arts already.
Ving Tsun was a successful family style for hundreds of years, and as such we find that we had little need to change the manner in which the classes are run. In the school you will find comradeship, friendly competitiveness and co-operation at all levels. The instructors are forthcoming with their knowledge. Training is as ‘one-on-one’ as possible, and even when it isn’t, you will always be under direct supervision.
Each student progresses to a more senior level based on the effort they put into their own training, precision and technical skills, their understanding of the applications of techniques, and their ability to perform them. The time needed to complete each stage will vary from student to student, as not everyone can train at the same rate, or has as much time as others to spend on training. This means that progression is assessed over a period of time, and at the student’s own pace.
Traditionally, Chinese systems didn’t have them.
We have other methods of training. (eg “chi sau” or “sticking hands”).
You do not have to do twenty push-ups for failing to bow etc.
Virtually all the techniques have English names, and all commands and all the lessons are conducted in English.
Typical class structure, over a two-hour class:
The first fifteen to thirty minutes is spent in warm-up. At the end of warm-up class announcements, if any, are made. From the end of warm-up to the end of the first hour, form work.
For the next half-hour, practising Dan Chi, Chi Sau, etc, or learning the next stage.
The last half-hour varies according to the needs of the class. It could be drills, theory, advanced work, practising forms or technique training; anything the instructor thinks is needed.
The last few minutes or so are spent in either punching and/or stepping training.
Take your time about your training and THINK about every possible detail of each technique (That includes stance, arm, elbow, hand, head and waist positions). Make sure it is as close to what it should be as possible. This way your training, especially at advanced levels, will progress more quickly and smoothly. Think now, and later you won’t have don’t have to think in a fight.
If you come from another Ving Tsun (Wing Chun, etc) school, we ask that you start again from the beginning for several reasons. One is that differences that may seem minor may be vital (just as apparent major differences are sometimes unimportant). Another is that not all schools teach in the same order, so we approach it systematically. You could easily miss something we teach earlier in the system than where you originally trained, especially if you were an advanced student. Be patient and realise that if you really did train hard in the other system, then that will transfer across as a faster learning curve, enabling you to pick up certain things much quicker.
This is the code of behaviour we expect from students who train in our school. Ving Tsun is a skill, and as such is part of your life, rather than ruling it. However, it should also contribute to making you a better person in both mind and body.